Lietuvos prekių ženklai (Trademarks of Lithuania)
Lietuvos prekių ženklai (Trademarks of Lithuania)

Audrius Klimas

A trademark is a distinctive sign by which one intends to announce oneself to the world and distinguish oneself from others. In most cases a trademark indentifies the business it belongs to, the producer of the product, the provider of the services or simply the sender of the message. However, trademarks have far wider functions than mere identification or separation of the producers or products. Very frequently a trademark itself has a certain value which increases the importance of an organization’s services to the consumers or the product.
The aim of this edition is to investigate the origin and nature of trademarks, the ways of rendering meaning, the possibilities of trademark classification and to present the historical and qualitative development of Lithuanian trademarks.

Release date: 2009
Pages: 108 p. iliustr.
Format: 20 x 22 cm
Covers: Paperback
ISBN 987-9955-854-62-3
Price: EURO 15
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