Texts on Design: Lithuanian and International Contexts
Texts on Design: Lithuanian and International Contexts

 Edited by Karolina Jakaite

 The year 1961 saw the establishment of the Design department, then called the Department of Artistic Construction of Industrial Products, at the Vilnius Academy of Art. Marking this occasion, one of the 2011 issues of Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis is dedicated to texts on design, which span both Lithuanian and international contexts. The texts included in this publication encompass a variety of writing genres (art history studies, essays, interviews, publication of primary sources) and design spheres: from research of interior, object and graphic design to design choreography.

The publication is divided into thematic blocks. The first one – Design in the Context of Art History Studies – contains art historians’ studies based on research of historical sources and newly discovered objects. The second section is dedicated to the analysis and contemporary interpretations of Soviet design. The third section, Designers on Design, presents texts written by designers and their thoughts expressed today and fifty years ago.


Release date: 2011
Pages: 184
Format: 20 x 27 cm
Covers: paperback
Circulation: 500
ISBN 978-609-447-026-4
ISSN 1392-0316
Price: 15,00 Euro
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