What forms can the communication of history take in the digital medium? How do interfaces impact access to historical sources on the Web? and how can online environments be designed in order to encourage public involvement in the consumption and production of historical narratives?
OPEN HISTORY explores emerging practices aimed at exploring the World Wide Web as a space for popularising history. It questions the role of communication design in digital history projects by addresing issues concerning historical data access, visualisation, and interactive narration. Through a selection of history websites - ranging from online exhibitions to virtual museum tours, from temporal maps to interactive documentaries - the assay inquiries how design-led, and challlenge conventional public history activities.
Tai pirmoji lietuviškam porcelianui skirta knyga. Joje apžvelgta porceliano istoriją Vakarų Europoje, Lietuvoje ir Rusijoje, daug įdomių, intriguojančių faktų apie porceliano išradėjus, garsiausius meistrus, išskirtinius dirbinius ir vertingas porceliano kolekcijas.
Ši studijų programa visų pirma skiriama Vizualiojo dizaino katedros studentams, bet galėtų sudominti ir kitas dailės ir dizaino programas