Knyga „Displace“– tai idėjų rinkinys, skirtas pirmiausia jauniems menininkams, besimokantiems vizualizuoti ar verbalizuoti savo mintis. Ši knyga taip pat yra skirta ir menininkams, siekiantiems paįvairinti savo praktikose besikartojančių temų ratą. Galiausiai, ši knyga yra metodinė medžiaga dėstytojams, kartu su studentais ieškantiems labiausiai tinkančių priemonių ir formų minčių įgyvendinimui.” – sako knygos sudarytojas Mindaugas Gapševičius.
This book — the third Migrating Art Academies (MigAA) publication — marks the end of the third phase of the MigAA program, which, over the course of seven years has grown into a dynamic and vital network of art academies and universities, independent arts organizations, many hundreds of people, and endless ideas. The program has activated the concept of migration — that of resources, competencies, disciplines, and individuals — as a method for the production of knowledge, as it diversified and expanded both traditional understandings of creativity and traditional educational systems.
The series of international activities constituting the first phase — that led to MigAA’s initial formation — concluded with the publication of the volume Migrating Realities. It focused on notions surrounding migration and presented a collective overview of the concept from economic, political, artistic, and cultural perspectives. The second phase of the project — involving Several workshops “on the road” as it were — ended with a second publication, Migrating:Art:Academies:. This volume followed a group of emerging artists who were learning, collaborating, and producing while on the move.
Conducted over the last four years, phase three has seen an expanded and evolved MigAA network implementing a radical new scheme for creative collaboration and learning. This phase phase explored the process of developing ideas while being displaced: away from one’s usual environment at school, work, and home, and far from family and friends. This volume, suitably titled Displace, traces the wide-ranging results of this latest MigAA phase.
Šis dvikalbis atlasas – tai kelionė po žemėlapiuose, diagramose ir tekstuose išklotą kūrėjų ir tyrėjų vaizduotę bei žinias. Mokslinis ir meninis tyrimai čia sąveikauja su kitomis, nebūtinai akademinėmis, praktikomis: piešimo, vizualizavimo, žymėjimo, tarpininkavimo, mokymo(si).
We invite you to traverse the imagination and knowledge of all the artists and researchers who contributed maps, diagrams, and texts to this atlas. Here, scientific and artistic modes of research interact with other practices: drawing, visualisation, mapping, mediation, and education.
The book chapters describe and make sense of the process of city/industry disentanglements since the beginning of the decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, Visaginas core enterprise. The main spatial site that framed our work on Visaginas knowledge infrastructures relevant in 2015-2020 is the town’s public library as potentially a strategic institution and facility in the process of the disconnection between the INPP and the town.