Perspective and Essaystic Form in Nonfiction Film and Art (Vol 115) / Perspektyva ir eseistinė forma nevaidybiniame kine ir mene (Nr. 115)
The authors of this issue, titled Perspective and Essayistic Form in Nonfction Film and Art – scholars and artist-researchers – examine complex political, ecological, cultural, ethnic, gender, and collective memory issues in the works of selected flmmakers. Tey reveal how the personal perspective and essay form foster an inclusive intellectual dialogue with the audience, helping to bridge the longstanding divide between “knowledge/reason” and “emotions” in Western culture and art.
In this Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis (AAAV) issue some of the articles are written by scholars and some by artist-researchers from all around the world. As you will see, this collection contains intriguing and thought-provoking articles representing different perspectives on the arts, sciences, research, and many other artistic research-related aspects. Have a pleasant journey through the bogs and valleys of artistic research, populated by artists, scholars, curators, humanists, practitioners, academics, scientists, and other (not so) rare species.
Šiame leidinio numeryje, be jau paminėtų šiuolaikinio dizaino procesų analizės, nagrinėjamos atskirų dizaino sričių – industrinio, grafinio, mados ir konceptualaus dizaino – bei specifinių jų žanrų problemos